Rolfes Henry brings legal acumen and real world experience to its representation of schools, non-profit organizations, and home school groups. The economic pressures that effect schools and non-profits are taken into consideration from the moment we begin representation. Our Firm works with clients to prepare individualized plans that provide cost-effective service and high-quality results.
Our goal is to provide legal advice to schools that is practical, useful, and reduces litigation exposure, including in the following areas:
- Student safety and disciplinary incidences.
- Constitutional issues and concerns.
- Disciplinary and conduct policies.
- School safety and management plans.
- Student records and confidentiality.

We also partner with schools regarding employment issues, and assist in developing personnel policies, employment contracts, sexual harassment policies, and reporting requirements for faculty and staff. Our Firm’s extensive litigation experience includes the defense of discrimination claims and 42 U.S.C § 1983 actions.
Our attorneys also bring education and construction law experience to work on behalf of schools. We provide advice regarding facility construction contracts, specifications, and plans. When disputes arise, our practical counsel helps avoid litigation and solve difficulties related to construction delays.
Non-profit organizations do not consist solely of schools, and we work with private foundations, public charities, community clubs, and religious organizations. Our practice includes forming non-profit entities, obtaining tax exempt status from the IRS, and providing counsel on topics pertinent to non-profit organizations.
Rolfes Henry’s education and non-profit attorneys draw upon hands-on experience and legal expertise to assist schools and non-profits in operating efficiently and legally.